Infrastructure for District and School Health

Through training and resources, RMC Health can help you create and sustain the processes and systems for your school health efforts.

  • Healthy Schools for a Healthy World

    Grounded in the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Model (WSCC), RMC Health provides guidance, training, and resources to support the design and implementation of school health policies, programs, and best practices. Through these health and wellness efforts, the school community meets the social, emotional, and academic needs of students.

    Infusing health and wellness into schools and districts requires the efforts of everyone – students, parents, staff, teachers, administrators, board members, and the community. A thoughtful process can ensure that all individuals are able to contribute their unique talents and passions to accomplish the shared goal of health and wellness for students.

    RMC Health can provide the training, resources, and technical assistance you need to accelerate health and wellness in your school and district. Let us help you create the systems and teams you need to succeed; contact us today.

  • Partnership Opportunities

    RMC Health can guide you through the process of creating the infrastructure to launch and sustain school health efforts:

    • Set the vision and mission for school and district health teams
    • Create school and district health teams
    • Recruiting and retaining champions
    • Engage families and community partners
    • Foster high performing health teams to maximize success
    • Publicize success to maintain support
    • Action plan for sustainable health and wellness efforts
    • Use data to drive priorities
    • Provide professional development and training opportunities to equip staff with the skills and tools to implement school and district health efforts

Schedule a Partnership Inquiry Call

Resources for District and School Health

A detailed step-by-step process specifically for schools to implement the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child approach to school health infrastructure.

Implementation resources designed to help educators and other school stakeholders understand, adopt and implement the Whole School. Whole Community, Whole Child model.

  • Title & Description
  • Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Model: A Guide to Implementation (National Association for Chronic Disease Directors)
  • Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Model Spotlight Stories (National Association for Chronic Disease Directors)
  • Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Model: A Coordinated Approach to Learning and Health Presentation Guide (National Association for Chronic Disease Directors)
  • Issue Brief on Bullying Prevention
  • Issue Brief on Physical Activity
  • Issue Brief on Substance Use
  • Issue Brief on Suicide Prevention
  • Issue Brief on School Climate
  • Using the WSCC Model to Integrate Social Emotional Learning in Schools

Training Opportunities

RMC Health can provide the training you need to accelerate health and wellness in your school and district. Let us help you create the systems and teams you need to succeed.

  • Introduction to the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) Model: From Framework to Practical Application

    Session description:

    The practical application of The Whole Community, Whole School, Whole Child (WSCC) model can support schools to promote health and wellness. This training will ground participants in the WSCC model by working collaboratively in small groups to address a specific health and wellness issue. Participants will identify how the 10 components of the WSCC model can support health promotion. Participants will also gain practical knowledge and skills to integrate the WSCC framework and align school policies, processes, and practices.

    Participants will be able to:

    • Describe key components of the WSCC model.
    • Integrate the WSCC framework to address a specific health and wellness issue.


    School and district staff, community partners, parents, and anyone else interested in promoting health for students.

  • Creating Direction: Establishing Your Health and Wellness Team

    Session description:

    During this training, participants will work together to create vision and mission statements for their school or district-level health and wellness team, as well as identify and develop targeted messages to recruit new members to join the team.

    Participants will be able to:

    • Craft a vision statement for your wellness team, aligned with school or district priorities.
    • Craft a mission statement for your wellness team to support the vision statement.
    • Identify health and wellness team members representative of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child model.
    • Develop targeted messages to recruit new members for the team.


    School and district staff, community partners, parents, and anyone else interested in laying the foundation for health and wellness work at the school or district-level.

  • Charting the Course: Crafting Data Driven Health and Wellness Plans

    Session Description:

    Successful health and wellness teams are based on a foundation of a strong vision, mission, and data-driven priorities that guide the work. Once a team establishes their vision and mission, they need to continue the momentum by identifying and selecting priority issues. During this training, participants will review state and local data to determine health and wellness priorities for their team and complete an action plan for top priorities. This training is intended for all members of a health and wellness team.

    Participants will be to:

    • Analyze state and local data using a data inquiry process.
    • Select health and wellness priority areas.
    • Write an action plan that includes SMART objectives and action steps.


    All members of a health and wellness team.

  • Moving Teams Forward: Creating Sustainability Through Strategic Planning

    Session description:

    Designed to help health and wellness teams launch their work, each team will determine their purpose, select wellness priority areas aligned to that purpose, and write action plans. The training will provide participants with the knowledge, tools and resources to make data-driven decisions for health and wellness priorities using local data. The training will also provide work time for participants to turn their priorities into SMART objectives with action plans to impact student health and academic achievement. Learning will be aligned to the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child model.

    Participants will be able to:

    • Write a mission statement for the health and wellness team.
    • Analyze data to select health and wellness priority areas.
    • Select best practices based on data and environment.
    • Write an action plan that includes SMART objectives and action steps.
    • Apply the WSCC model to ensure action planning is comprehensive.


    All members of a health and wellness team.

  • Propelling Your Health and Wellness Team to be High-Performing

    Session Description:

    There is a big difference between a “group” of people working together and a “team” working together. In this training, participants will take their health and wellness teams to the next level by focusing on what makes a high-performing team. Participants will learn how to overcome challenges and run effective, action-oriented team meetings. To apply their learning, teams will craft an agenda for an upcoming wellness meeting. Participants will also gain a variety of templates for successful meeting operation.

    Participants will be able to:

      • Analyze and adapt your facilitation style to meet the needs of your wellness team.
      • Identify strategies to overcome common team dilemmas.
      • Determine appropriate meeting agenda items.
      • Plan an upcoming school wellness team meeting using the elements of an effective meeting.


    Wellness team leaders, co-leaders, or similar type roles.

  • Destination Success: Showcasing Your Health and Wellness Team Efforts

    Session description:

    Whether a health and wellness team is newly formed or been operating for years, it is important to identify when successes have occurred. New, existing, and established health and wellness initiatives all deserve to be recognized. In doing so, teams can get others to notice and support their efforts to expand funding, update programs, or sustain a health and wellness change. Participants will learn the characteristics of an effective success story and then draft their own story to showcase their teams’ health and wellness efforts.

    Participants will be able to:

    • Explain the importance of success stories
    • Describe the six characteristics of an effective success story
    • Identify key messages that resonate with your target audience’s priorities
    • Draft a story using the Success Story Template


    Wellness team leaders, co-leaders, or similar type roles.

Success stories using the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child model to successfully integrate health and wellness at the district and school-level.

Explore the 10 component areas of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child, including best practices for each component area and suggestions for alignment and integration between the component areas.

Let's Connect

Please let us know how we can support you to champion health and wellness.