RMC Health and Action For Healthy Kids Join Forces!

Rocky Mountain Center for Health Promotion and Education (RMC Health) and Action for Healthy Kids have joined forces to tackle the health and well-being of America’s youth.

Better Together

Action for Healthy Kids and RMC Health embarked on a journey to determine whether a partnership could amplify the collective goal of reaching more school champions, families, and youth with more and better programs and services.

More specifically, AFHK was seeking to expand its training and professional development services while RMC Health was looking to expand into more districts and schools across the nation. Together, the two organizations are now able to impact every level of the education ecosystem.

By joining forces, we are able to scale and impact our programs and services to positively impact the health and well-being of kids and families across the United States.

Let's Connect

Please let us know how we can support you to champion health and wellness.