Health Skills
Learn how to support students and encourage them to maintain healthy behaviors, change unhealthy behaviors, and delay the onset of risky behaviors.
Health skills classroom materials such as poster sets and student cue cards are available for purchase. The teaching guides are free and available for download by clicking “Learn More” below.
Analyze InfluencesAnalyze Influences focuses on identifying and understanding the diverse internal and external factors that affect health practices and behaviors.
Access Valid & Reliable ResourcesAccess Valid & Reliable Resources prepares students to be able to critically evaluate the health information around them, whether that is from research articles, advertisements, people, and other print materials.
Interpersonal CommunicationInterpersonal Communication guides students to better understand, practice, and reflect on their interactions with others, developing effective speaking and listening strategies, boundary setting/refusal skills, conflict resolution skills, and collaboration skills.
Decision-MakingDecision-Making provides students with a process to approach decisions related to their health that require more thought and intention.
Goal-SettingGoal-Setting empowers students to strive for self-improvement by creating short and long term goals that have clear plans to help with follow through.
Self-ManagementSelf-Management helps students identify the areas in their life where they must take personal responsibility and develop the necessary health practices to maintain and improve their health.
Advocacy for Self & OthersAdvocacy for Self & Others helps students build the capacity to promote their healthy behaviors and to encourage their peers to develop and maintain their own healthy behaviors.